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JavaScript Hoisting


JavaScript Hoisting

JavaScript, as a dynamic and flexible programming language, comes with its own set of unique features and behaviors. One such concept that often perplexes developers, especially those new to the language, is “hoisting.” In this article, we will delve deep into the intricacies of JavaScript hoisting, understand how it works, explore its implications, and provide insightful code examples to solidify your understanding.

What is JavaScript Hoisting?

JavaScript hoisting is a behavior where variable and function declarations are moved to the top of their containing scope during the compilation phase. Essentially, regardless of their original placement within the code, these declarations are effectively “hoisted” to the top of their scope.

As a deliberate mechanism designed into the language, hoisting allows JavaScript engines to manage variable and function declarations more efficiently. This behavior facilitates scope management, enabling developers to call functions before they are declared or reference variables before they are defined.

Hoisting is specified behavior in the ECMAScript standard, the foundation of JavaScript. It outlines rules and behaviors that JavaScript engines must adhere to, ensuring consistency and predictability across different implementations. By understanding the intricacies of hoisting and its specification within ECMAScript, developers can write more robust and predictable JavaScript code.

Despite its benefits, hoisting can introduce challenges if not understood properly. While it aids backward compatibility with earlier JavaScript versions and enhances code organization flexibility, it can lead to confusion and bugs if misused.

Variable hoisting involves shifting variable declarations to the top of their containing scope, while function hoisting involves moving function declarations to the top of their containing scope. However, it’s essential to note that function declarations are hoisted entirely (both declaration and definition), whereas variable declarations are hoisted without their assignments. Furthermore, function expressions are not hoisted in JavaScript. Unlike function declarations, treated as variable assignments, only variable declarations within function expressions are hoisted, not the function definitions themselves.

Variable Hoisting

To better understand variable hoisting, let’s examine an example:

console.log("myVar"); // Output: undefined
var "myVar" = 10;
console.log("myVar"); // Output: 10

In the code above, we reference “myVar” before its declaration, yet JavaScript does not throw an error. Instead, it treats the declaration of “myVar” as if it were moved to the top of its scope, effectively transforming the code as follows:

var "myVar";
console.log("myVar"); // Output: undefined
"myVar" = 10;
console.log("myVar"); // Output: 10

As demonstrated, even though we access “myVar” before its declaration, JavaScript hoists the variable declaration to the top of its scope during the compilation phase. Consequently, when accessed before assignment, the variable defaults to undefined.

Function Hoisting

Similarly, functions declared using the “function” keyword are also subject to hoisting. Consider the following example:

"myFunc"(); // Output: "Hello, world!"
function "myFunc"() {
console.log("Hello, world!");

In this example, we call “myFunc()” before its declaration, yet JavaScript hoists the function declaration to the top of its scope, allowing the call to succeed.

How Does JavaScript Hoisting Work

To understand how hoisting operates in JavaScript, we need to delve into the inner workings of the JavaScript engine. When your JavaScript code is executed, it undergoes a two-phase process: parsing and execution.

Parsing Phase

During the parsing phase, the JavaScript engine first reads your code line by line. However, instead of executing the code immediately, it identifies and registers all variable and function declarations within their respective scopes. This is where hoisting comes into play.

For variable declarations (using var, let, or const) and function declarations (not to be confused with function expressions), the JavaScript engine allocates memory for these identifiers and assigns them a default value of undefined. This allocation and initialization occur regardless of where the declarations appear in the code. Therefore, you can reference variables and call functions before they are formally declared.

Execution Phase

Once the parsing phase is complete, the JavaScript engine moves to the execution phase. Here, it executes the code line by line, utilizing the memory space allocated during the parsing phase.

It’s important to note that while hoisting moves variable and function declarations to the top of their containing scope, only the declarations themselves are hoisted, not any assignments or initializations. Therefore, if you attempt to access a variable before it’s explicitly assigned a value, it will default to undefined.

console.log(myVar); // undefined
var myVar = 10;

Despite the apparent order of operations in the code above, the variable declaration of myVar is hoisted to the top of its scope during the parsing phase, resulting in a default value of undefined when accessed before assignment.

JavaScript Hoisting Best Practices

To avoid confusion and potential issues related to hoisting in JavaScript, it’s recommended to follow these best practices:

  • Declare variables at the top of their scope: Explicitly declare variables at the beginning of their containing scope to improve code readability and avoid unexpected behavior due to hoisting.
  • Avoid relying on hoisting: Instead of relying on hoisting, strive to write clear and concise code where variables and functions are declared and defined in a predictable order.
  • Use let and const instead of var: Prefer using let and const declarations over var declarations to take advantage of block scoping and avoid hoisting-related issues.

By following these best practices, developers can write more maintainable and predictable JavaScript code that is less prone to errors caused by hoisting.

Hoisting in Other Languages

JavaScript’s hoisting mechanism is unique among commonly used programming languages. While other languages may have similar concepts related to variable declaration and scope, they may not exhibit the same behavior as JavaScript’s hoisting mechanism.

For instance, languages like C, Java, Python, and Ruby have different scoping rules and variable declaration behaviors compared to JavaScript. In these languages, variables are typically not hoisted to the top of their scope, and attempting to access a variable before it is declared will result in an error or undefined behavior.

Although some languages may have features or behaviors that resemble aspects of hoisting in JavaScript, they are often implemented differently and may not be directly comparable. Therefore, while JavaScript’s hoisting mechanism is unique to the language, other languages may have their own mechanisms for managing scope and variable declaration.


JavaScript hoisting is a fundamental concept that every JavaScript developer should thoroughly understand. By grasping how hoisting works and its implications on variable and function declarations, developers can write more predictable and maintainable code. Remember to pay attention to variable scoping, differentiate between function declarations and expressions, and use hoisting to your advantage when designing JavaScript applications.

With this comprehensive understanding of JavaScript hoisting, you are well-equipped to tackle any challenges that arise in your JavaScript development journey.